The land bears good products, worked by us, they give a great result



Brunitta Agricultural Company

The “Brunitta” agricultural company was born from the owner’s passion for the rural world, it is located in Minervino. Starting from the first half of the 90s, a copious production of oil was started using traditional processing methods and the same passion and respect with which our fathers cared for the land. The olive trees are cultivated exclusively with natural methods which allow the organoleptic and biological characteristics of their fruits to be best preserved. The olive harvest begins in October when they have not yet reached maturity and are cold pressed through mechanical processes. In this way they obtain an oil with an aromatic, strong and full-bodied taste, rich in polyphenols, fundamental for our health.

In addition to the olive oil production, the company produces wheat of the Capppelli Senator variety. This ancient type of cereal, native to our territory, was born through the crossing of a grain from North Africa with a highly productive grain experimented in the Apulian countryside. Grown since 1915 on the lands of the Tavoliere delle Puglie, this variety has represented the basis of the Italian pasta-making industry for 60 years, thus contributing to the renowned and exceptional fame of Italian pasta in the world.

The company works, every day, for the rebirth of Italian wheat growing, focusing on the biodiversity of the seeds and the richness of their properties, which remain intact thanks to the stone milling.

The family-run “Brunitta” agricultural company was born from the desire to produce superior category extra virgin olive oil and excellent flours. Convinced that all this comes from excellent workmanship, they are in constant search for excellence.

Everything that the earth produces embellishes the dishes of our cuisine.

Each dish represents our passion for quality and our promise to offer you only the best.


“The peoples of the Mediterranean began to emerge from barbarism when they learned to grow olive trees and vines”

So wrote the great Greek historian Thucydides and the Apulian landscape has always had memories of olive trees both in its wild and domestic forms.

Many authors confirm that Apulia was one of the most important olive producing regions in ancient times and there is no doubt that olive growing has always played a leading role in the Apulian economy.

In the south-east of Salento, in the Idruntine hinterland, the growing of olive trees was introduced around the first half of the 4th century BC, Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans transferred the knowledge of refined agricultural techniques to the inhabitants of these lands. Olive oil gained its prestige in the 14th-17th centuries when it gradually assumed such a commercial importance that it was produced in large quantities and exported to other parts of Italy and abroad.

Representative of an entire territory, and therefore full of meaning for the inhabitants of the area, they are testimony to an era that no longer exists, but which survives in its highest form.

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